Change Leadership

Consulting Services

Change Leadership and Polarity Thinking™

We are always in the midst of a paradoxical process of continuity and change

The future belongs to those who build today as a foundation for tomorrow

Understanding Change Leadership

Big shifts like the digital revolution, globalisation, consumerism, climate change, and pandemics create complex and unavoidable changes. These changes lead to VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) conditions that create tensions that demand a response. Organisations often try to manage these complexities through change interventions like strategic planning, process re-engineering, staff rationalisation, etc. However, these approaches usually don’t work as expected because they rely on linear thinking and Either/Or solutions which are not adequate for leading change. For positive and impactful change to happen, a second way of thinking is needed – Polarity ThinkingTM (BOTH/AND).

What is Polarity Thinking?

Polarity Thinking™ is a mindset and approach that helps individuals and organizations to navigate complex challenges by recognising and leveraging the interdependent nature of seemingly opposing values or ideas. It utlises BOTH options – (Either/or Thinking) and Polarity Thinking™ encourages embracing both options (both/and thinking) to achieve better outcomes.


Polarity thinkingTM or paradoxical thinking has its roots in several psychological and philosophical theories including the paradoxical theory of change, dialectical thinking, systems theory, gestalt psychology and  Eastern philosophies. These theories provide frameworks for understanding how polarity and paradoxical thinking contribute to complex systems, decision-making processes, and personal development. It was developed by Barry Johnson and is used in organizational development, leadership, and personal growth.


Change Leadership is about applying both a Polarity and EITHER/OR mindset to navigate changes, complexities and contradictions inherent in individual, team, and organizational life and to recognise what  must be done in the present (Continuity) to be ready for the future (Transformation).  It is also requires leaders to be open, reflective and aware of how the way they show up enables or inhibits change in their environment.

Unique Methodology

The Change Leadership Institute (CLI) helps individuals, teams, organisations and society to learn how to embed Polarity Thinking with Either/Or using the powerful Polarity Approach to Continuity and Transformation (PACT™), a powerful framework for navigating the complexities of modern life and work.

Using the framework, change leaders enrich the dominant Either/Or thinking already in existence, with polarity thinking to manage the ever-present tensions in change including  Stability and Change (Continuity and Transformation), People and Structures/System, and any others identified in the process of change.

Consulting Services

CLI offers consulting services to commercial, government, and not-for-profit organizations. These services include tailored solutions for managing specific change initiatives, strategic planning, and leadership development. CLI consultants work closely with organizations to understand their unique challenges and develop customized strategies to drive successful change.

Change Leadership in a VUCA World

Change can be triggered from a number of sources – globalization, technological disruption, social media, consumerism, process re-engineering, continuous improvement, performance management, etc. This change creates complexity and triggers instability experienced as tensions that demand for response. Most change initiatives/interventions e.g. culture change, strategy execution, mergers, process improvement, staff changes, etc, are developed as responses to these felt tensions. The responses, in turn, usually create conflict between existing practices and mechanisms and the change intervention. If not managed well, the conflict results in pains that easily threaten the success of the change intervention.



If you’re interested in more information, click here to book a free 30-minute consultation.

Strategy Development & Execution

Organizations today navigate a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) environment. To mitigate VUCA challenges, they often rely on strategy development and execution to outline potential actions and directions for future success. However, most strategies are created using a linear approach, which falls short in addressing the complexities and paradoxes that must be managed to unlock growth and continuity. To effectively tackle VUCA challenges, organizations need to adopt a second perspective: a polarity lens. This approach helps balance and integrate opposing forces, allowing for a more nuanced and adaptable strategic response.


If you’re interested in more information, click here to book a free 30-minute consultation.

Justice, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Solutions

We’re living and working in a time when polarization is escalating, both individually and within organizations. Statistics indicate that people trust each other less today than they did 40 years ago. However, these same statistics show that higher levels of trust within organizations lead to a more positive employee experience, increased productivity, and higher retention of top talent. High-trust organizations also perform nearly twice as well as those with trust issues.


If you’re interested in more information on our Culture Change Solutions, click here to book a free 30-minute consultation.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are typically presented to shareholders as strategies for wealth creation and rapid growth. However, it is estimated that more than half of all mergers and acquisitions prove financially unsuccessful. Achieving a successful merger or acquisition requires more than just “getting the sums right.” Many organizations have learned, often at great cost, that a compatible and successful organizational union depends on characteristics that extend beyond a strategic fit.



If you’re interested in more information on our Mergers and Acquisitions Human Factor Solutions, click here to book a free 30-minute consultation.

Self Awareness Coaching

Cultivating self-awareness and building conscioiuslness of what is driving ones behaviour is the first step towards living a healthy and fruitful life.


If you’re interested in more information on our Mergers and Acquisitions Human Factor Solutions, click here to book a free 30-minute

Training & Certification Programs

Change Leadership Immersion & Certification (CLIC™) Program

In this facilitated in-person program, you will learn how to lead change using Polarity Thinking™ concepts, practices and certified tools to help your clients see more of their whole reality and achieve measurable results, immediately and over time. You will gain hands on experience by applying your new skills to your advisory practice through an Action Learning Project, a fully supported consulting/coaching client engagement using the 5 step Polarity Approach to Continuity & Transformation (PACT™)

Justice, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Solutions - Power to Create Happiness in the World!

Justice, Eqaulity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) are all hot topics making waves in governments, societies and organisations, getting more attention than ever, and increasingly being recognized for their importance. The question of how to minimise polarisation and foster a more just, inclusive and equitable society, it appears, can no longer be ignored.  This program enables you to make JEDI JEDI a culture and way of life in your environment.

Self Leadership Program

Taking the lead, both in your work and in the world around you is really important. But sometimes you face dilemmas that hold you back.  This program is designed to help you learn how to become self aware and to be able to see and manage polarities in your life to open up new pathways for change and growth.

Upcoming Programs

Date Program City (Venue) Register
17 July 2024
26th – 30th August, 2024
Mombasa, Kenya
12 September, 2024 from 12pm - 6pm
18th - 20th December, 2024
Self Leadership
Nairobi, Kenya
25th – 29th November, 2024
Kampala, Uganda

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